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Explore researchers
Singular centres
- Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials Research Center (CIQUS) (62)
- Cross-disciplinary Research in Environmental Technologies Center (CRETUS) (38)
- Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) (42)
- Intelligent Technologies Research Center (CITIUS) (31)
- Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases Research Center (CIMUS) (70)
- "Luis Concheiro" Institute of Forensic Sciences (INCIFOR) (10)
- Aquatic Environment Research Institute for Global Health (iARCUS) (41)
- Galician Language Institute (ILG) (29)
- Institute of Agrarian Biodiversity and Rural Development (IBADER) (40)
- Institute of Education Science (ICE) (41)
- Institute of Materials (58)
- Institute of Research in Chemical and Biological Analysis (IAQBUS)
- Institute of Studies and Development of Galicia (IDEGA) (84)
- Instituto de Investigación en Psicoloxía da USC (IPsiUS) (46)
- Department of Agroforestry Engineering (46)
- Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology (52)
- Department of Anatomy, Animal Production and Clinical Veterinary Science (35)
- Department of Animal Pathology (25)
- Department of Applied Economics (42)
- Department of Applied learning (58)
- Department of Applied Mathematics (24)
- Department of Applied Physics (57)
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (35)
- Department of Botany (15)
- Department of Chemical Engineering (38)
- Department of Classical, French and Italian Philology (28)
- Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology (34)
- Department of Common Law (23)
- Department of Communication Sciences (33)
- Department of Electronics and Computing (72)
- Department of English and German Philology (43)
- Department of Evolutionary and Educational Psychology (26)
- Department of Financial Economics and Accounting (28)
- Department of Forensic Science, Pathological Anatomy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Paediatrics (25)
- Department of Functional Biology (31)
- Department of Fundamentals of Economic Analysis (20)
- Department of Galician Philology (43)
- Department of Geography (32)
- Department of History (71)
- Department of History of Art (34)
- Department of Inorganic Chemistry (28)
- Department of Mathematics (23)
- Department of Microbiology and Parasitology (36)
- Department of Morphological Science (21)
- Department of Organic chemistry (59)
- Department of Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation (30)
- Department of Particle Physics (57)
- Department of Pedagogy and learning (79)
- Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology (43)
- Department of Philosophy and Anthropology (28)
- Department of Physical Chemistry (39)
- Department of Physiology (34)
- Department of Plant Production and Engineering Projects (24)
- Department of Political Science and Sociology (50)
- Department of Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine (58)
- Department of Public Law and Theory of the State (23)
- Department of Quantitative Economy (27)
- Department of Social Psychology, Basic and Methodology (33)
- Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (21)
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Literary Theory and General Linguistics (51)
- Department of Special Public Law and Company Law (46)
- Department of Statistics, Mathematical Analysis and Optimisation (35)
- Department of Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities (41)
- Department of Zoology, Genetics and Physical Anthropology (29)
- Faculty of Biology (72)
- Faculty of Business Administration and Management (36)
- Faculty of Chemistry (87)
- Faculty of Communication Sciences (35)
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (110)
- Faculty of Education Sciences (108)
- Faculty of Geography and History (114)
- Faculty of Humanities (31)
- Faculty of Labour Relations (17)
- Faculty of Law (86)
- Faculty of Mathematics (70)
- Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (139)
- Faculty of Nursing (17)
- Faculty of Optics and Optometry (17)
- Faculty of Pharmacy (97)
- Faculty of Philology (144)
- Faculty of Philosophy (22)
- Faculty of Physics (91)
- Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (29)
- Faculty of Psychology (91)
- Faculty of Sciences (43)
- Faculty of Teacher Training (46)
- Faculty of Veterinary Science (104)
- Higher Polytechnic Engineering School (118)
- Higher Technical Engineering School (72)
Interuniversitary research centers
Areas of knowledge
- Arts and Humanities (324)
- Basic Sciences and Geosciences (486)
- Biomedicine and Health Sciences (428)
- Social and Legal Sciences (467)
- Technologies (196)