Publications by the researcher in collaboration with BEATRIZ ISABEL VAZQUEZ BELDA (20)


  1. Confirmation of β-agonist residues in bovine retina and liver using HPLC-MS/MS and evaluation of matrix-dependent problems

    Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, Vol. 34, Núm. 4, pp. 598-607

  2. Effects of bovine pregnancy on the fatty acid composition of milk: the significance for humans needs

    Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, Vol. 34, Núm. 4, pp. 608-616


  1. Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS confirmatory method for residue analysis of cyproheptadine in urine of food-producing animals

    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 57, Núm. 6, pp. 2595-2598

  2. Quantitative LC-MS/MS method for the sensitive and simultaneous determination of natural hormones in bovine serum

    Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, Vol. 877, Núm. 24, pp. 2457-2464


  1. Development of a rapid and confirmatory procedure to detect 17β-estradiol 3-benzoate treatments in bovine hair

    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 56, Núm. 24, pp. 11607-11611