Department: Department of Galician Philology

Faculty: Faculty of Philology

Interuniversitary research center: Interuniversity Centre for Research on Atlantic Landscapes and Cultures (CISPAC)

Area: Galician and Portuguese Philology

Research group: GALABRA Cultural Studies on Galician, Portuguese, Brazilian and African Countries of Portuguese Language Systems


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis A Galiza em Portugal, Portugal na Galiza a través das revistas literarias (1900-1936) 1995. Supervised by Dr. José Luis Rodríguez Fernández.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones help
Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.

El listado puede contener errores. En proceso de evaluación y mejora. Compartido para recoger sugerencias de la comunidad.

  1. Literature and Literary Theory (Arts and Humanities) Filtrar
  2. Linguistics and Language (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  3. Language and Linguistics (Arts and Humanities) Filtrar
  4. Cultural Studies (Social Sciences) Filtrar
  5. Anthropology (Social Sciences) Filtrar

I hold a PhD in Hispanic Studies (1996, PhD Extraordinary award) and I established the Galabra Group (2000) and Network (2016), which brings together researchers from universities of three continents. A transdisciplinary network (coordinating teams composed of the researchers trained in Culture, Biology, Sociology, Anthropology, Linguistics...) has allowed the achievements obtained. I supervised 13 PhD theses, all with the highest qualification. My first research stage was devoted to develop an adaptation of the Polysystems Theory to cultural emerging areas leading projects on the relationship between Galicia and Portugal, contributing to the understanding of relations and the explanation of asymmetries and precariousness related to it. I carried out research on the consideration of culture as a good, a tool, and a transmitter of ideas. I have studied the connections and homologies between discourses, images and cultural practices, by developing a theoreticalmethodological framework for its analysis (notions of proto-, sub-, para-system, projective deficit, identity sustainability and affectivity, 'Ithaca traveller'); I have dedicated myself to the conceptual integration of the analysis of the relationships between communities, identities, and territories based on these theories and my recent formation in the field of cultural anthropology (book Bem-estar comunitário e visitantes através do Caminho em Santiago, awarded by the Chair for the Pilgrimages 2020), through the analysis of cases and transfer processes (from service-learning to counselling and work with neighbourhood associations or public officials), developing a consistent theoretical framework to understand those intra- and intercommunity relations, that has been applied in books that I have edited with members of my group: (2020; and (2022b) The Way of Saint James. Tourism and Communities (Universidad del País Vasco/EHU) Last books: Estudar sem melancolia: Reflexões teóricas e aplicadas nos bastidores do sistema literário, (Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2022 ); Heteronomias em textos e historiografia da literatura galega (Andavira, 2022.; Bem-estar comunitário e visitantes através do caminho em Santiago. Grandes narrativas, ideias e práticas culturais na cidade (Andavira, 2019. Research award of the Cátedra do Camiño e das Peregrinacións, 2020); Galeguismo precário e Portugal (, Andavira, 2019); Portugal para quê? Seis casos no relacionamento galegoportuguês (Andavira, 2019) I elaborated hypotheses on cultural emergency, invisibility of culture in narratives of cultural routes and the loss of narrative power as a good. I have promoted the application of Language Processing techniques to the approach of large volumes of corpora, covering in a productive way several areas in which the role of narratives occupies a relevant function participated in the creation of two pioneering spin-off companies in the area of Humanities at the USC and I have also published papers on these subjects. My research has been internationally recognized through invitations to be keynote speaker in international conferences and to become a member of scientific advisory commissions in journals and research institutions, including the official Portuguese Evaluation Agency. I was president of the Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas from 2008 to 2014, promoting the creation of the academic website and the publication of 16 monographs derived from AILs scientific activity. Between 2008 and 2014, I directed the journal Veredas (Emerging Citation Index and Scopus). I was Vice Chancellor of Culture at the USC from 2006 to 2009, taking responsibility for its publications policy. Since 2015 I am a member of the R&D Activities Commission of the USC and since 2020 Dean of the Faculty of Philology.