Publicaciones (360) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A transversal and practical education as a business success factor: literature review of learning process of basic design through ICT tools

    Journal of Management and Business Education, Vol. 7, Núm. 1, pp. 70-89

  2. Complicarles la vida: una visión económica y financiera de las redes de tarjetas amarillas y rojas de los equipos de fútbol español

    Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, Núm. 53, pp. 530-538

  3. Construyendo un futuro sostenible: la intención emprendedora de las mujeres en la Economía Social

    CIRIEC - España. Revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, Núm. 111, pp. 69-95

  4. Cuando la misión pasa a ser propósito: medidas para un emprendimiento sostenible y equitativo

    Revista de Contabilidad y Tributación. CEF, Núm. 499, pp. 159-200

  5. Does sustainable recruitment enhance motivation? A cross-country analysis on the role of person-organization fit

    Sustainable Development

  6. Exploring soccer transfers in Spanish League–The hidden role of strategic differences among teams

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 19, Núm. 4 April

  7. Harmonious environmental passion and voluntary pro-environmental behavior at home and at work: a moderated mediation model to examine the role of cultural femininity

    Environment, Development and Sustainability

  8. How and when employees' attributions of their employers' CSR activities affect their extra-role work behavior

    Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility

  9. How to successfully adapt distribution strategy in exporting? The moderating effects of commitment and responsiveness

    International Marketing Review

  10. How transformational leadership shapes employee task performance? A sequential mediation model

    Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Vol. 45, Núm. 7, pp. 1122-1141

  11. Logistics business model evolution: digital platforms and connected and autonomous vehicles as disruptors

    Review of Managerial Science, Vol. 18, Núm. 9, pp. 2483-2506

  12. Multinacionales Extranjeras de Origen español en México y su relación con los proveedores locales

    Revista de estudios regionales, Núm. 129, pp. 17-44

  13. Preface

    Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

  14. Social Media Managers’ Performance: The Impact of the Work Environment

    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 19, Núm. 1, pp. 671-691

  15. Sport as a catalyst for the Regional Development of Forgotten Spasce: the case of sport event portfolios

    Regional Development and Forgotten Spaces: Global Policy Experiences and Implications (Routledge Reino Unido), pp. 227-238

  16. The influence of individual and contextual factors on proactivity and proficiency: the roles of meaningfulness of work and competitive intensity

    Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 19, Núm. 2, pp. 183-199

  17. The inside-out dynamics of supply chain integration: the interplay of information technology integration with and by suppliers

    International Journal of Logistics Management

  18. The key role of risk perception in preparedness for oil pipeline accidents in urban areas: A sequential mediation analysis

    Extractive Industries and Society, Vol. 17

  19. The role of individual factors in perceived sustainable employability: an application in higher education

    Education and Training