Evaluación de la enseñanza del SVB mediante dos metodologías diferentes (presencial versus clase invertida) en profesorado en activo y alumnado de Educación Primaria y Secundaria en la comunidad autónoma de Galicia

  1. Cons Ferreiro, Miguel
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Vicente Romo Pérez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Rubén Navarro Patón Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidade de Vigo

Jahr der Verteidigung: 2024

Art: Dissertation


The formation of the Basic Vital Support (BLS) that indicates in the Guides of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) (Nolan, et al., 2010; Perkins et al., 2015; Greif et al., 2021) has like main objective can form to the main quantity of people that can know react and act in case of a cardiac stop. Like this, the cardiopulmonary reanimation (CPR) have gone simplifying to be able to be executed by any person, indicating in the Guides that to the personnel bequeath has to form in the Reanimation cardiopulmonary only hands (CPR only hand) and in the DEA. On the other hand, in the educational legislation of our country, the first helps (PPAA) have been a present content of transversal form from the Law 14/1970, of 4 August, General of Education and Financiamiento of the Educational Reform, until the Organic Law 8/2013, of 9 December (LOMCE), included like performance for the prevention and performance in case of accident and/or injury, as they indicate Navarro et al. (2015), Lake-Ballesteros et al. (2018) or Rodríguez-Lorenzo et al. (2020). In the last educational Law, the Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December, by which modifies the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education (LOMLOE), the contents of PPAA include inside the area of Physical Education in the educational stages of Primary and Secondary. For this is necessary form to the teachers so that it can teach these technicians to the students of correct way and adapted in BLS. The evolution of the education with the Technologies of the Information and Communication together with the use of the same by means of platforms of education, do that the possible formative methods can adapt to the needs and peculiarities of any community. Thus, it poses the following question: how they are of effective different programs of formation of the BLS, face-to-face and to distance, employing classical formation and video-formation with practical reinforcement of short length so much in teachers in active of the educational centers Galicians as in the students of Education Prevailed and Secondary?, and besides which can be the most suitable to the current educational context?. Keywords: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, automated external defibrillator, training method, schoolchildren, Schoolteacher, mandatory education