Elicitación visual y narrativa histórica en la educaciónun estudio del retrato de Alfried Krupp por Arnold Newman

  1. Guillermo Calviño Santos
Communiars: Revista de imagen, artes y educación crítica y social

ISSN: 2603-6681

Datum der Publikation: 2024

Nummer: 11

Seiten: 43-57

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Communiars: Revista de imagen, artes y educación crítica y social


This article explores the use of photo-elicitation in art education through the analysis of Alfried Krupp's portrait by Arnold Newman. It discusses how this technique can foster critical thinking and visual understanding in secondary school and university students, offering a methodology to apply semiotic analysis and visual narrative in educational contextsand presenting a proposal for classroom application. The research is based on the artographic methodology, integrating the educator's perspective as an artist, researcher, and teacher.Photo-elicitation, thus understood, succeeds in developing an artistic-educational research process thatfosters the understanding of photography as a cultural artifact, empowers students as creators of visual narratives, and sensitizes them to contemporary artistic expressions