The use of pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence techniques for metal toxicity assessment in fluvial biofilms

  1. Corcoll Cornet, Natàlia
Supervised by:
  1. Manel Leira Director
  2. Helena Guasch Padró Director

Defence university: Universitat de Girona

Fecha de defensa: 20 February 2012

  1. Sergi Sabater Cortés Chair
  2. Enrique Navarro Rodríguez Secretary
  3. Salomé Fernandes Pinheiro de Almeida Committee member
  4. Antoni Munné Torras Committee member
  5. Esperança Gacia Pasola Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 321980 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Derivat de 3 capítols de la tesi s'han publicat dos articles en revistes científiques i un capítol de llibre: Chapter 3, pg. 61 : Corcoll et al. 2012-HdB Environ Chem-book chapter 4 Chapter 4, pg. 81: Corcoll et al. 2011- Chl-a fluorescence parameters as biomarkers of metal toxicity in fluvial biofilms Chapter 5, pg. 117: Corcoll et al. 2012- The effect of metals on photosynthesis processes and diatom metrics on biofilm from a metal-contaminated river