Big data, consentimiento para tratar datos personales y Derecho de Defensa de la competencia

  1. Javier Framiñán
Revista de derecho mercantil

ISSN: 0210-0797

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 310

Pages: 8

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de derecho mercantil


This paper explores to what extent an infraction of the right on personal data and, specifically, the liberty to consent the personal data processing, might be an abusive conduct under the European Union Competition Law. This work studies the case-law of the European Commission and the Tribunal of Justice where the manipulation of information was crucial to consider a practice as an abuse of a dominant position. Then, it is analyzed to what extent, in the light of that case law, a non-transparent privacy policy might be rendered abusive.

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