Departamento de Química Física

Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo, BrasilPublicaciones en colaboración con investigadores/as de Universidade de São Paulo (4)
Hindered rotor tunneling splittings: An application of the two-dimensional non-separable method to benzyl alcohol and two of its fluorine derivatives
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 18, Núm. 13, pp. 8945-8953
Synthesis of ultra-small cysteine-capped gold nanoparticles by pH switching of the Au(I)-cysteine polymer
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 441, pp. 17-24
On the origin of the plateau in surface-pressure isotherms of aromatic carboxylic acids
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 106, Núm. 40, pp. 10395-10400
Hydrolysis of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the presence of dimethylthallium(III) hydroxide. The novel crystal structure of a thiamine thiolate derivative
Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Vol. 1, Núm. 3, pp. 93-96