Departamento de Química Física

Fernández Castillo
Publicacións nas que colabora con Jesús Fernández Castillo (4)
Quasiclassical trajectory study of the collision-induced dissociation dynamics of Ar + CH3SH+ using an Ab initio interpolated potential energy surface
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 110, Núm. 4, pp. 1225-1231
On the conformational memory in the photodissociation of formic acid
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 109, Núm. 12, pp. 2836-2839
Quasiclassical trajectory study of the F + CH4 reaction dynamics on a dual-level interpolated potential energy surface
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 109, Núm. 38, pp. 8459-8470
Further investigation of the HCl elimination in the photodissociation of vinyl chloride at 193 nm: A direct MP2/6-31G(d,p) trajectory study
Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 386, Núm. 4-6, pp. 225-232