Departamento de Producción Vexetal e Proxectos de Enxeñaría
Agricultural University of Athens
Atenas, GreciaPublicacións en colaboración con investigadores/as de Agricultural University of Athens (8)
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1614–1696
Fungal Systematics and Evolution, Vol. 13, pp. 183-440
European agroforestry policy promotion in arable Mediterranean areas
Land Use Policy, Vol. 120
Agroforestry and the environment
Agroforestry Systems
Agroforestry as a sustainable land use option to reduce wildfires risk in European Mediterranean areas
Agroforestry Systems, Vol. 95, Núm. 5, pp. 919-929
Silvopasture policy promotion in European Mediterranean areas
PLoS ONE, Vol. 16, Núm. 1 January
Agroforestry creates carbon sinks whilst enhancing the environment in agricultural landscapes in Europe
Land Use Policy, Vol. 83, pp. 581-593
Agroforestry is paying off – Economic evaluation of ecosystem services in European landscapes with and without agroforestry systems
Ecosystem Services, Vol. 36
Cross-site analysis of perceived ecosystem service benefits in multifunctional landscapes
Global Environmental Change, Vol. 56, pp. 134-147