Departamento de Cirurxía e Especialidades Médico-Cirúrxicas
Publicacións (11) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a
COVID-19: Desolation and catharsis from Old Europe
Special Care in Dentistry
Cutaneous mucinosis of infancy: a rare entity in pediatrics
International Journal of Dermatology
Efficiency in patch testing: the number needed to test to get one relevant result as a new approach in the evaluation of baseline series
British Journal of Dermatology
Meningioma sincitial intramedular asociado a siringomielia cervical
Revista de neurologia
Oral lichen planus and HCV infection
Autopsy and Case Reports
Response to commentary by Lu and Wang on “Salivary biomarkers for cancer diagnosis: a meta-analysis”
Annals of Medicine
SARS-CoV-2 and dentistry
Clinical Oral Investigations
Short-term outcomes of 50 patients with acute respiratory distress by COVID-19 where prone positioning was used outside the ICU
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
Smartwatch protective cover´s glue: A new non-occupational acrylate allergy
Contact Dermatitis
Spinal arachnoid cyst and neurosurgery
The juxta-oral organ of Chievitz (organum yuxtaorale) updated: Embryology, anatomy, function and pathology
Annals of Anatomy