Department: Department of Particle Physics

Faculty: Faculty of Physics

Institute: Institute of Materials

Strategic R&D&I cluster: Strategic Grouping of Materials (AEMAT)

Area: Condensed Matter Physics

Research group: Colloids and Polymers Physics Group

Was part of these groups:


Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Termodinámica de formación de clústesr de algunas penicilinas, interacción fármaco-biopolímero 1998. Supervised by Dr. Manuel García Sánchez, Dr. Félix Sarmiento Escalona, Dr. Víctor Mosquera Tallón.

Pablo Taboada obtained his PhD in Physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in 1999. He subsequently carried out postdoctoral stays at the Universities of Bilbao (Spain), Manchester (United Kingdom) and University College Dublin (UCD, Ireland). At the end of 2001 he joined the USC again with a research contract from the Ramón y Cajal program to recover excellent researchers abroad. In January 2007 he became a Full Professor in the area of ​​Condensed Matter Physics, and since 2021 he has been a University Professor in the Department of Particle Physics. Prof. Taboada is the author of more than 240 research articles in prestigious international journals (H index = 41), has directed or participated in more than forty international and national research projects and contracts, and has directed 21 doctoral theses. (10 more in progress). He is a regular reviewer for various international journals (Adv. Mater. Adv. Funct. Mater. ACS Nano, Nano Lett., etc.), member of the editorial board of Frontiers of Bioengineering, Pharmaceutics and Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, and evaluator of projects for the Agencies National Research Institutes of Spain, Argentina, Switzerland, Poland, Georgia, Czech Republic, and the European Science Foundation. Currently, Prof. Taboada's scientific interests focus on the development of nanostructured materials for application in the biomedical field, with special focus on the fields of theragnostics, active drug release and regenerative medicine; in energy production and storage; and in biosensing. Likewise, he also has special interest in the study of the self-assembly processes of (bio)polymeric systems that are the origin of various degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and the analysis of their inhibition through drug repositioning strategies.