Profesor Permanente Laboral

Institute for High Energy Physics
Protvino, RusiaPublikationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern von Institute for High Energy Physics (565)
π+π- Coulomb interaction study and its use in data processing
Physical Review D, Vol. 110, Núm. 9
Observation of the B + → Jψη′K + decay
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2023, Núm. 8
Angular Analysis of D0 ?p+p-µ+µ- and D0 ?k+K-µ+µ- Decays and Search for CP Violation
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 128, Núm. 22
Centrality determination in heavy-ion collisions with the LHCb detector
Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 17, Núm. 5
Constraints on the CKM angle γ from B ± → Dh ± decays using D → h ± h′∓ π 0 final states
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2022, Núm. 7
Evidence for a New Structure in the J /ψp and J /ψ p ¯ Systems in Bs0 →J /ψp p ¯ Decays
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 128, Núm. 6
First Measurement of the Z →μ+μ- Angular Coefficients in the Forward Region of pp Collisions at s =13 TeV
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 129, Núm. 9
Identification of charm jets at LHCb
Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 17, Núm. 2
Investigation of K+K- pairs in the effective mass region near 2mK
Physical Review D, Vol. 106, Núm. 3
J/ψ photoproduction in Pb-Pb peripheral collisions at sNN =5 TeV
Physical Review C, Vol. 105, Núm. 3
Measurement of prompt charged-particle production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2022, Núm. 1
Measurement of the Bs0 →μ+μ- decay properties and search for the B0 →μ+μ- and Bs0 →μ+μ-γ decays
Physical Review D, Vol. 105, Núm. 1
Measurement of the Nuclear Modification Factor and Prompt Charged Particle Production in p-Pb and pp Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5 TeV
Physical review letters, Vol. 128, Núm. 14, pp. 142004
Measurement of the W boson mass
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2022, Núm. 1
Measurement of the charm mixing parameter yCP- yCPKπ using two-body D0 meson decays
Physical Review D, Vol. 105, Núm. 9
Measurement of the lifetimes of promptly produced Ωc 0 and Ξc 0 baryons
Science Bulletin, Vol. 67, Núm. 5, pp. 479-487
Measurement of the photon polarization in Λb0 → Λγ decays
Physical Review D, Vol. 105, Núm. 5
Measurement of χc1(3872) production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2022, Núm. 1
Observation of Two New Excited Ξb0 States Decaying to Λb0 K-π+
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 128, Núm. 16
Observation of an exotic narrow doubly charmed tetraquark
Nature Physics, Vol. 18, Núm. 7, pp. 751-754