Department: Department of Mathematics

Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics

Interuniversitary research center: Galician Center for Mathematical Research and Technology (CITMAga)

Area: Algebra

Research group: Research Group in Mathematics

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Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Módulos cruzados y extensiones de grupos 1984. Supervised by Dr. Alfredo Rodríguez-Grandjean López-Valcárcel.

I studied Mathematics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), obtaining the Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics in 1978, and the PhD doctorate at the same University in 1984. All my academic, professional and research activity has been developed at the USC. I began my teaching and research activity in 1978-79 as Assistant Professor and Fellow of the National Training Plan for Research Staff (FPI). Since 2008 I have been Full Professor of University. I have taught in several Bachelor and master degrees: Mathematics, Physics, Computer Engineering, Technical Engineering in Computer Systems, Chemical Engineering, Higher Graduate in Information Technology and Communications; master’s in Mathematics and Teachers of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate; and Doctorate Courses in the Universities of Santiago, Vigo and A Coruña. Regarding my research work, it is necessary to highlight that I am the author of more than one hundred articles (see MathSciNet or zbMATH) published in journals of international impact. My research focuses on studying the homological algebra of different algebraic structures, and on analyzing both non-associative algebraic structures with a broad connection to Physics and Biology, and computational aspects of non-commutative algebra. I have been Coordinator of the Galician Thematic Network of Algebra, Computation and Applications, Organizer of several seminars and international conferences, Main Researcher of several international, national, and regional research projects and an active researcher in many other projects. I have been Coordinator, Main Researcher, and member of the Scientific Committee of the National Research Network RED EACA (RT for Symbolic Calculus, Computational Algebra and Applications). I have been Director of fifteen doctoral theses (ten in the last ten years). I have been a member of the Scientific Council of the Mathematics Institute (IMAT) of the USC, a member of the research team promoting the Community of Galicia, which achieved the concession of a headquarters of the Spanish Institute of Mathematics (IEMAT) for Galicia, and promoter in the creation of the Galician Centre for Mathematical Research and Technology (CITMAga), of which he is the guarantor researcher. I have been designated President of the Scientific Committee of the 6th Iberian Meeting of Mathematics conference organized by the RSME and SMP. I have also been a member of the Commission appointed by the ANEP to select the researchers Ramón y Cajal and Juan de la Cierva (years: 2008 and 2009). In my academic management work, I have been Secretary of the Faculty of Mathematics, Director of the Colegio Mayor Universitario Rodríguez Cadarso, Director of the Residence Area and Director of the Department of Algebra at the University of Santiago de Compostela. The following activities should be mentioned in the University Extension work: President of the Commission of Conflict Resolution of the USC, Member of the Galician Council of Universities, Coorganizer of the Galician Mathematical Olympics and Member of the Organizing Committee and teacher of Estalmat-Galicia. I have been awarded the Medal “Enrique Vidal Abascal” of the Real Academia Galega de Ciencias, of the section of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, year 2021, in recognition of his extraordinary scientific career. I collaborate as Evaluator of R&D projects for the National Agency of Evaluation and Prospective Studies (ANEP), Georgian National Science Foundation (GNSF) of Georgia, Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCyT) of Argentina, FONDECYT Program of Chile and the National Science Center of Poland. I collaborate as Evaluator of research papers for numerous international scientific journals and contribute as a Reviewer of the Zentralblatt für Mathematik and Mathematical Reviews.