Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet ALIA VAZQUEZ MARTINEZ (6)


  1. Digital imaging techniques for recording and analysing prehistoric rock art panels in Galicia (NW Iberia)

    Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Vol. 8, pp. 35-45


  1. AsTrend: Towards a new method for the study of ancient carvings

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 105-119

  2. Going further: (Re)Discovering rock art carvings with photogrammetric techniques in Galicia (North-West Iberian Peninsula)

    Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Digital Preservation and Information Modeling (IGI Global), pp. 175-200

  3. O poboamento na comarca do Baixo Miño e a súa evolución na prehistoria e na antigüidade

    Estudos de Arqueoloxía, Prehistoria e Historia Antiga: achegas dos novos investigadores (Andavira), pp. 95-111


  1. Sobre as técnicas de reprodución dos gravados rupestres galaicos ao aire libre

    Férvedes: Revista de investigación, Núm. 8, pp. 17-24