La memoria comunitaria frente a la memoria oficial¿Cómo activar el potencial transformador y liberador de la memoria?

  1. Rabe, Ana María
Pensamiento: Revista de investigación e Información filosófica

ISSN: 0031-4749 2386-5822

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 78

Issue: 297

Pages: 5-28

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14422/PEN.V78.I297.Y2022.001 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Pensamiento: Revista de investigación e Información filosófica


This article assumes that the work of memory has a transformative and liberating effect, when carried out in a dynamic, creative and participatory way. As we will see, aesthetic experiences and productions acquire in this context a key function, especially when they are openly and cooperatively shared in community. It will be argued that the promotion of productive work of memory by aesthetic means is something that cannot finish and should ever come to an end, since it has a vital importance for the emancipatory processes of human being. The activation of the productive and transformative potential of memory leads to transcend closed, definite and homogeneous stories, like those propagated by a merely reproductive memory which serves a prevailing ideology. This central thesis will be analyzed concerning its philosophical implications and will be discussed by opposing «communitarian memory», which is essentially productive and transformative, with «official memory», which operates in a reproductive and manipulative way. Case studies of communitarian initiatives belonging to the Colombian context will finally demonstrate how aesthetic means are able to arouse and foster a critical and transformative memory, which has the potential to convert closed, ignored or repressed stories into possibilities, which open up to life.

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