Milk composition and fatty acids profile of grazing dairy cows after supplementation with cottonseed and linseed

  1. Roca-Fernández A.I 1
  2. Antonio González-Rodríguez 1
  3. Orlando Pablo Vázquez-Yáñez 1
  4. José Antonio Fernández-Casado 2
  1. 1 Agrarian Research Centre of Mabegondo. PO Box 10, 15080 La Coruña, Spain
  2. 2 Agrarian and Fitopathologic Laboratory of Galicia. PO Box 365, 15640 La Coruña, Spain
Grassland farming and land management systems in mountainous regions. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation Gumpenstein, Austria August 29th - August 31st 2011

Editorial: European Grassland Federation

ISBN: 978-3-902559-65-4

Ano de publicación: 2011

Páxinas: 154-156

Tipo: Achega congreso


7KHGLHWRIUXPLQDQWVLQÀXHQFHVWKHLUPLONFRPSRVLWLRQDQGIDWW\DFLG )$ SUR¿OH7KHHIIHFWof supplementation at pasture with two sources of forage (grass+silage (S) compared to ‘allgrazing’ grass (G)), and two types of concentrate (C, cottonseed and L, linseed) differing in)$SUR¿OHRIWKHWZRRLOVHHGFRPSRQHQWVZDVH[DPLQHGLQIRXUJURXSV 6&6/*&DQG*/ of autumn-calving Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 50). Milk yield and composition were determined across the main grazing season. The ‘all grazing’ treatments produced more milk, withhigher urea content, than the silage-supplemented grazing treatments, despite lower proteinDQGIDW7KHIRUDJHVRXUFHKDGDJUHDWHUHIIHFWRQPLON)$SUR¿OHWKDQWKHW\SHRIFRQFHQWUDWHused. The group of cows grazing all day had lower levels of short- and medium-chain FAthan those at grass-plus-silage. Higher content of long-chain (mono- and poly-unsaturated)FA was observed in milk from cows grazing all day. Daily intake of fresh grass was a decisivefactor for the highest conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content. The addition of cottonseed inthe concentrate showed higher levels of long chain and mono-unsaturated FA than the use oflinseed. High reliance on grass at farm level would be a good tool to increase the CLA contentLQPLONIDWDQGJHWPRUHDGGHGYDOXHZLWKDQLPSURYHGPLON)$SUR¿OH