Convocar la historia. La latencia del archivo en los espacios y los cuerpos de Nación, Una revuelta sin imágenes y Una dedicatoria a lo bestia
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 2172-0150
Ano de publicación: 2024
Número: 29
Páxinas: 17-41
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Fotocinema: revista científica de cine y fotografía
Three documentary films retake some neglected fights of women in the dawn of the 21st Century in Spain: Bread riots in 17th century, endurance to the forced confinement during Francoism and resistance to industrial restructuring during PostTransition. Bodies and spaces turn into archive; memory and history are convened there; inside them a new feminist and class archive is built. Nación (Ledo, 2020), Una revuelta sin imágenes (Monsell, 2020) y Una dedicatoria a lo bestia (NucBeade, 2019) look back using historiographical techniques through images; they experiment with the aesthetic possibilities of time, regeneration and phantasmatic film possibilities. They rebuild history and its women’s embodiment. These films are mostly situated at the industrial margins –low-cost feature film, a short film and a video-essay– but they place themselves at the head of documentary renovation: these films experiment with form, recover nonobvious archive, think about the image and defy the documentary film boundaries, even creating real allegories.
Referencias bibliográficas
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