The LEADER and PRODER Programmes: A Real Contribution to Rural Development? The Galician Case

  1. M. Mar Pérez Fra,
  2. Rosa M. Verdugo Mates
  3. E. López Iglesias
6th European Symposium of the International Farming Systems Association

Publisher: International Farming Systems Association - UTAD, Vila Real (Portugal)

ISBN: 972-669-587-2

Year of publication: 2004

Pages: 829-842

Type: Conference paper


This paper presents an overview of the results of an assessment of the implementation of the LEADERII Community Initiative and the PRODER I Programme (Operational Programme for the Developmentand Economic Diversification of Rural Areas) in Galicia. Both are public programmes with a localinitiative perspective centring rural areas as their field of intervention with the set aim of fullydeveloping such areas.Both programmes were up and running in Galicia over the period 1994-1999, involving a total of 2,582projects spread out over 26 different boroughs. Based on an initial study of secondary sources designedto determine the main socioeconomic variables detected in the 26 areas covered, an analysis of each ofthe different projects implemented was carried out before going on to establish an overall assessment ofthe effects produced by both programmes.The aim of this paper is to provide elements for discussion regarding the applicability of such strategiesfor rural areas which lag far behind European levels and to gauge the true bearing they have on thediversification of activities.