Tradiciones en contactouna aproximación al canon mitográfico alfonsí a través de las Cronice ab origine mundi de Gonzalo de Hinojosa

  1. Miguel Giadás Quintela 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España


Cahiers d'études hispaniques medievales

ISSN: 1779-4684

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Le pouvoir de l’historiographie dans le projet d’Alphonse X

Issue: 45

Pages: 209-232

Type: Article

More publications in: Cahiers d'études hispaniques medievales


This article will analyse the influence on later chronistics of the mythographic canon that Alfonso X would have established in the peninsular territory with his General estoria. To this end, we will study the Cronice ab origine mundi by Gonzalo de Hinojosa and certain mythographic texts framed in the incidentia of the times of Judge Aod. The news dedicated to Demogorgon, Alcmen, Androgeus and Castalia will be commented on, observing the similarities and differences with the General Estoria, the anonymous Liber De natura deorum, the Fabularius by Conrad de Mure and the Vatican Mythographers, in order to frame Gonzalo de Hinojosa within a specific mythographic tradition.