La calidad en los servicios de orientación: una propuesta europea
- Elena Fernández-Rey 1
- Ana Isabel Couce Santalla 1
- Rebeca García-Murias 1
- José Pablo Franco López 1
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Publisher: Universidade da Coruña
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 484-495
Type: Conference paper
From an approach to the quality of guidance services based on four principles (theadequacy to a purpose that serves to transform the services; the use of an action-researchmethodology; the active and reflexive role of professionals; and the participation of allthe agents involved), the Erasmus+ Project Guiding Schools-Improving quality standardsfor career learning and guidance set as one of its aims to identify and describe the areasrelated to the organisation and performance of guidance services in secondary educationcentres that would involve an improvement in their quality. The career guidance needs ofsecondary school students and the resources and strategies that could be used by teachersas mediators in guidance tasks were analysed, as well as a documentary review ofinternational research on career development. The proposal developed includes sixinterconnected areas of guidance intervention: career education, career information,counselling, resource centre, networks and partnerships, and reflective practitioners. Itoutlines the importance and role of each area in terms of international studies, discusseshow it can work in secondary schools, and provides a repository of resources and positivepractices.