Análisis de la atención en los servicios sociales a las mujeres mayores de 65 años víctimas de violencia de género

  1. García Vázquez, Yolanda 1
  2. Verde-Diego, Carmen 1
  3. Ferrás Sexto, Carlos 2
  4. González-Rodríguez, Rubén 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


  2. 2 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España


Prisma Social: revista de investigación social

ISSN: 1989-3469

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: Digital Technology and socio-educational development in municipal contexts

Issue: 46

Pages: 314-335

Type: Article

More publications in: Prisma Social: revista de investigación social


A significant number of women over age 65 live unaware of the violence they have suffered from their partners or ex-partners and unattended to in this regard. Little is known about violence against older women and about the prevention and intervention strategies with them. We present the results of an investigation that aims to analyze the care that social services in Spain offer to women over 65 who are victims of gender violence, based on a systematic survey of 90 system professionals selected using a non-probabilistic procedure for convenience. We have covered the psycho-social characterization of these women, their difficulties gaining access to social services, the needs they have, and the identification of specific social programs for their situations, as well as the training of professionals about gender-based violence against older women. The results reveal a situation of invisibility of gender-based violence against women over age 65 in social services in general. We discuss prevention, identification, and intervention in these cases, and we conclude that it is necessary to take into consideration and make decisions in a situation that, for being inconspicuous, should not be disregarded in social services programming.

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