Data associated to the manuscript "Computational Screening of the Physical Properties of Water-in-Salt Electrolytes"

  1. Mendez-Morales, Trinidad
  2. Li, Zhujie
  3. Salanne, Mathieu

Editor: Zenodo

Ano de publicación: 2020

Tipo: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


Contains input files and data used to generate the figures of the article: Computational Screening of the Physical Properties of Water-in-Salt Electrolytes Trinidad Mendez-Morales, Zhujie Li and Mathieu Salanne,<br> *ChemRxiv*, 13012646v2, 2020 []( ** contains typical [LAMMPS]( input files for all the systems. The folder *transport_coefficients* contains the computed viscosities, conductivities and diffusion coefficients for all the systems. The folder *radial_distribution_functions* contains all the partial radial distribution functions for all the systems. The nomenclature of the atoms of the anion is provided in the file *figureS1.pdf* and the atoms from the water molecules are labelled Ow and Hw.