HISDAC-ES: Historical Settlement Data Compilation for Spain (1900-2020)

  1. Uhl, Johannes H.
  2. Royé, Dominic
  3. Burghardt, Keith
  4. Aldrey Vázquez, José Antonio
  5. Borobio Sanchiz, Manuel
  6. Leyk, Stefan

Editor: figshare

Year of publication: 2023

Type: Dataset


The historical settlement data compilation for Spain (HISDAC-ES) is a geospatial dataset consisting of over 240 gridded surfaces measuring the physical, functional, age-related, and evolutionary characteristics of the Spanish building stock. We scraped, harmonized, and aggregated cadastral building footprint data for Spain, covering over 12,000,000 building footprints including construction year attributes, to create a multi-faceted series of gridded surfaces (GeoTIFF format), describing the evolution of human settlements in Spain from 1900 to 2020, at 100m spatial and 5 years temporal resolution. Also, the dataset contains aggregated characteristics and completeness statistics at the municipality level, in CSV and GeoPackage format.<b>!!! UPDATE 08-2023 !!!: We provide a new, improved version of HISDAC-ES. Specifically, w</b><b>e fixed two bugs in the production code that caused an incorrect rasterization of the multitemporal BUFA layers and of the PHYS layers (BUFA, BIA, DWEL, BUNITS sum and mean). Moreover, we added decadal raster datasets measuring</b><b> </b><i><b>residential </b></i><b>building footprint and building indoor area (1900-2020), and provide a country-wide, harmonized building footprint centroid dataset in GeoPackage vector data format.</b>File descriptions:Datasets are available in three spatial reference systems:<b>HISDAC-ES_All_LAEA.zip: </b>Raster data in Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (LAEA) covering all Spanish territory.<b>HISDAC-ES_IbericPeninsula_UTM30.zip: </b>Raster data in UTM Zone 30N covering all the Iberic Peninsula + Céuta and Melilla.<b>HISDAC-ES_CanaryIslands_REGCAN.zip: </b>Raster data in REGCAN-95, covering the Canary Islands only.<b>HISDAC-ES_MunicipAggregates.zip:</b> Municipality-level aggregates and completeness statistics (CSV, GeoPackage), in LAEA projection.<b>ES_building_centroids_merged_spatjoin.gpkg:</b> 7,000,000+ building footprint centroids in GeoPackage format, harmonized from the different cadastral systems, representing the input data for HISDAC-ES. These data can be used for sanity checks or for the creation of further, user-defined gridded surfaces.Source data:HISDAC-ES is derived from cadastral building footprint data, available from different authorities in Spain:Araba province: https://geo.araba.eus/WFS_Katastroa?SERVICE=WFS&amp;VERSION=1.1.0&amp;REQUEST=GetCapabilitiesBizkaia province: https://web.bizkaia.eus/es/inspirebizkaiaGipuzkoa province: https://b5m.gipuzkoa.eus/web5000/es/utilidades/inspire/edificios/Navarra region: https://inspire.navarra.es/services/BU/wfsOther regions: http://www.catastro.minhap.es/INSPIRE/buildings/ES.SDGC.bu.atom.xmlData source of municipality polygons: Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (https://centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/index.jsp)Technical notes:Gridded dataFile nomenclature:<i>./region_projection_theme/hisdac_es_theme_variable_version_resolution[m][_year].tif</i>Regions:<b>all: </b>complete territory of Spain<b>can: </b>Canarian Islands only<b>ibe: </b>Iberic peninsula + Céuta + MelillaProjections:<b>laea:</b> Lambert azimuthal equal area (EPSG:3035)<b>regcan:</b> REGCAN95 / UTM zone 28N (EPSG:4083)<b>utm: </b>ETRS89 / UTM zone 30N (EPSG:25830)Themes:<b>evolution / evol: </b>multi-temporal physical measurements<b>landuse:</b> multi-temporal building counts per land use (i.e., building function) class<b>physical / phys: </b>physical building characteristics in 2020<b>temporal / temp: </b>temporal characteristics (construction year statistics)Variables: evolution<b>budens:</b> building density (count per grid cell area)<b>bufa:</b> building footprint area<b>deva:</b> developed area (any grid cell containing at least one building)<b>resbufa: </b>residential building footprint area<b>resbia:</b> residential building indoor areaVariables: physical<b>bia:</b> building indoor area<b>bufa: </b>building footprint area<b>bunits:</b> number of building units<b>dwel: </b>number of dwellingsVariables: temporal<b>mincoy:</b> minimum construction year per grid cell<b>maxcoy: </b>minimum construction year per grid cell<b>meancoy:</b> mean construction year per grid cell<b>medcoy:</b> median construction year per grid cell<b>modecoy:</b> mode (most frequent) construction year per grid cell<b>varcoy: </b>variety of construction years per grid cellVariable: landuseCounts of buildings per grid cell and land use type.Municipality-level data<b>hisdac_es_municipality_stats_multitemporal_longform_v1.csv: </b>This CSV file contains the zonal sums of the gridded surfaces (e.g., number of buildings per year and municipality) in long form. Note that a value of 0 for the year attribute denotes the statistics for records without construction year information.<b>hisdac_es_municipality_stats_multitemporal_wideform_v1.csv: </b>This CSV file contains the zonal sums of the gridded surfaces (e.g., number of buildings per year and municipality) in wide form. Note that a value of 0 for the year suffix denotes the statistics for records without construction year information.<b>hisdac_es_municipality_stats_completeness_v1.csv: </b>This CSV file contains the missingness rates (in %) of the building attribute per municipality, ranging from 0.0 (attribute exists for all buildings) to 100.0 (attribute exists for none of the buildings) in a given municipality.Column names for the completeness statistics tables:<b>N</b><b>ATCODE</b><b>:</b> National municipality identifier*<b>num_total: </b>number of buildings per munic<b>perc_bymiss: </b>Percentage of buildings with missing built year (construction year)<b>perc_lumiss:</b> Percentage of buildings with missing landuse attribute<b>perc_luother: </b>Percentage of buildings with landuse type "other"<b>perc_num_floors_miss:</b> Percentage of buildings without valid number of floors attribute<b>perc_num_dwel_miss: </b>Percentage of buildings without valid number of dwellings attribute<b>perc_num_bunits_miss: </b>Percentage of buildings without valid number of building units attribute<b>perc_offi_area_miss: </b>Percentage of buildings without valid official area (building indoor area, BIA) attribute<b>perc_num_dwel_and_num_bunits_miss:</b> Percentage of buildings missing both number of dwellings and number of building units attributeThe same statistics are available as geopackage file including municipality polygons in Lambert azimuthal equal area (EPSG:3035).*From the NATCODE, other regional identifiers can be derived as follows:NATCODE: 34 01 04 04001Country: 34Comunidad autónoma (CA_CODE): 01Province (PROV_CODE): 04LAU code: 04001 (province + municipality code)