Comunidades de energías renovables. Una oportunidad para el desarrollo rural sostenible

  1. Vanessa Miramontes Viña
  2. Noelia Romero-Castro
  3. M. Ángeles López-Cabarcos

Publisher: IBADER. Instituto de Biodiversidade Agraria e Desenvolvemento Rural. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,

Year of publication: 2023

Type: Book


Community Renewable Energy (CRE) emerges as a form of democratization of the energy sector that aims to involve citizens in the necessary transition in the energy model. Its role in rural areas can be key to achieving sustainable development and ensuring that the benefits of the exploitation of renewable energy resources remain in local economies.This monograph seeks to configure a conceptual framework of the essential elements in the implementation of CRE in rural areas, as well as an analysis of the existing regulatory framework in different regions, with special reference to the situation in Europe. Once the conceptual and regulatory framework has been configured, a vision of the state of development of CRE in rural territories of different countries is offered, to help governments and promoters in the design of standards and action plans for their promotion, identifying the conditioning factors of its development and the impacts resulting from its implementation. Finally, examples of success cases in the design and implementation of CRE projects are presented and conclusions are formulated to ensure that CRE contributes to sustainable rural development.