Amor divino e amor mundanoa experiencia das mulleres casadas e das viúvas en relixión. Os “beaterios” e conventos de Galicia nos séculos XVXVIII Título

  1. Ofelia Rey Castelao
Revista de Estudos Miñoráns

ISSN: 2340-2644

Año de publicación: 2016

Número: 14-15

Páginas: 51-76

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Revista de Estudos Miñoráns


The convents received a good number of women who were not nuns but “pupils” and resident ladies. Many of these women were married or had been widowed. They had experience in worldly love and entered a different world, that of the divine love. Generally, they did not enter the convents because of a religious vocation, but for social need, so they lived in an ambiguous position. There were however those who had authentic religious beliefs, and some married and widowed women founded “Beguinages” and convents in modern Galicia. One of them, María Antonia Pereiro, founder of the Carme convent in Santiago de Compostela, wrote an autobiography, a text that explains the double nature of love