Sistemas de impermeabilización y control de masasCaracterísticas arquitectónicas de la frontera en tiempos de excepción
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
ISSN: 2341-0515
Ano de publicación: 2018
Volume: 6
Número: 1
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: [i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio
Border has become a central element in territorial production. It should be understood as a transcalar assemblage, where different roles converge in an apparently simple architecture. We should unveil the spatial conditions that it generates, we must dispense with historical formulations to understand its operative performance. State of Exception has been selected to develop the spatial implications that it produces on architecture and territory. We have to question ourselves which spatial configurations are original from a territorial model that is not based on the Law but on the Exception. Through two case studies in Ceuta, we will render the spatial conditions directly related with exception to obtain some of the characteristics of this architectural apparatus. The first one, a migrant’s forced return on Benzu’s borderpoint will let us introduce a series of mechanisms related with the operative border construction: the relevance of bodies in the construction of mobile architectural assemblages and the loss of relevance of the sovereign line. The second one, the cross of Tarajal’s borderpoint in 2014, that evidence how the operative border generates exceptional architectures that involve scattered agents, equipping them with new functions. Both events evidence the ability to build instant spatialities that do not have the nitid limits of historical borders. Moreover, they show the connection and inclusion between different external agents to ensure the effectivity of the system. If the architecture of Law requires the physicality of walls, the architecture of Exception needs these mechanisms to configure it.
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