Efectos de la aplicación del riego en la vidmetanálisis de resultados de ensayos realizados en España

  1. D. Uriarte
  2. J.M. Mirás-Avalos
  3. I. Buesa
  4. J.J. Cancela
  5. J.L. Chacón
  6. J.M. Escalona
  7. D.S. Intrigliolo
  8. M. Lampreave
  9. A. Montoro
  10. L. Rivacoba
  11. F. Visconti
  12. J. Yuste
  13. L.G. Santesteban
  14. C. Miranda

ISSN: 2013-6099

Ano de publicación: 2024

Número: 84

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Enoviticultura

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The progressive increase in the surface devoted to irrigated vineyards in Spain responds to the need to minimize the adverse effects of water stress on grape quality and yield. The variability in rainfall patterns and the increase in temperatures currently being recorded in Mediterranean climate vineyards are increasing the demand of water resources for agriculture. It is therefore necessary to promote the development of strategies for the optimization and efficient use of water to reduce the risk of overexploitation of these resources. This study analyses the effects of water status management on vine performance and grape composition by means of a mega–analysis that integrates the information from numerous experiments carried out in different vineyards throughout Spain.