El alumnado con discapacidad en el contexto de la educación superiorel caso del sistema universitario de Galicia
- Ana María Porto Castro Director
- Xosé Cajide Val Director
Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Fecha de defensa: 02 January 2023
Type: Thesis
Increasingly, students with disabilities accessing university education, largely due to the success of inclusion programs developed at lower educational levels. The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the profile of Galician university students with disabilities and to check the application of the standards recommended at European level in the university institution regarding the care of people with disabilities; analyze your situation and / or the challenges you have to face on a day-to-day basis in said educational stage. In the descriptive and comparision study, the Questionnaire for the Study of Disability in Higher Education (CEDES) applied to 1,934 university students from the three universities that make up the University System of Galicia (Spain), the interview applied to the three managers of the Services for Attention to Students with Disabilities at the University of said institutions and the interview administered to six university students with disabilities, along with a self-esteem scale and a sign-in sheet. The main results indicate that the vision of the different groups participating in the study corroborate that although there is a predisposition and a positive and inclusive attitude towards the attention to students with disabilities, they are also aware of the need for improvements, greater endowment, organization and / or training in the context of Higher Education so that it can offer quality care and achieve true inclusion.