Fugitividade na cidade patrimoniala Perícia Popular no Centro Histórico de Salvador, Bahia

  1. Estévez, Brais 1
  1. 1 Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Salvador, Brasil

    ROR https://ror.org/03k3p7647

Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo (RICD)

ISSN: 2386-3730

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles (ODS 11)

Volume: 4

Issue: 15

Pages: 36-53

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15304/RICD.4.15.8030 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo (RICD)

Sustainable development goals


The Popular Audit in the Historic Centre of Salvador was a space of urban collaboration enacted, between 2016 and 2019, in the city of Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). This initiative of collective experimentation was inspired by the ideas of "black study" and "fugitive planning" (Harney & Moten, 2013). It came to light through a partnership between the Association of Residents and Friends of the Historic Centre of Salvador (AMACH) and a set of professors, researchers, and students from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). It was institutionally established as a university outreach course, and it was offered during four semesters at the Faculty of Architecture of the UFBA. As a research practice, the Popular Audit aimed to elaborate a collective evaluation –not restricted to the expert knowledge– that inquired into the housing conditions of a group of inhabitants of the Pelourinho. Calling into question the techniques of city government and going against the excluding intentions of the Programme of Recuperation of the Historic Centre of Salvador (1992) –whose advancement and implementation involved the removal of most of the population– these residents managed to resist their eviction, conquering the right to housing within the urban space in which they had lived for decades. A Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC), approved in 2005, recognised that right. However, 11 years after the TAC was approved, that community was still unprotected: without stable housing or discernible horizons.

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