Etnografía del movimiento 15M en la ciudad de Cáceres. Análisis de las asambleas a través de tres visiones del objeto de estudio
ISSN: 1578-4282
Year of publication: 2013
Issue: 13
Pages: 113-137
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de antropología experimental
Liberal contemporary tradition refers to politics and decision making as something that can only be made by people chosen in a ritual way every few years. 15M brings up a new way to understand this, and that way doesn’t go through the hands of politicians and professional analysts. During this research, we tried to escape the polarized reference of the movement enshrined in big towns and created an ethnography, centred on the study of the assembly meetings, that covers the movement from the beginning. This states the influence of social relationships in a small population as Cáceres and how they affect several movement stages producing relocation to the university campus that becomes the only reference of 15M around the city
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