Verbo das pegadas arqueolóxicas da ritualidade. A estrutura xxxii do Castro de “O Facho”

  1. José Suárez Otero
  2. Rafael M. Rodríguez Martínez
  3. Mª Luisa Castro Lorenzo
Boletín Avriense: Boletín Auriense

ISSN: 0210-8445

Year of publication: 2021

Tome: 51-52

Pages: 73-132

Type: Article

More publications in: Boletín Avriense: Boletín Auriense


Among the concrete indicators of pre-Roman religious practices at the Monte do Facho hillfort, a large circular structure stands out for the cluster of microstructures contained within it, including a small platform, trenches, channels and low walls difficult to interpret. The clear connection between the platform and a ritual emplacement of an iron dagger and an iron knife, as well as grouping of materials such as ceramics, lithic tools and organic remains, points to the performance of sacrificial rites. An architecture outwardly simple, but complex inside, expresses an also complex and non-domestic purpose which developed from about the 3rd century BC until the 1st century AD.