“Typha latifolia” effective phosphorous extractor fromhydromorphic soils: comparison between populationslocal growing and Technosol eutrophic

  1. A Simoes 1
  2. L Otero 1
  3. F Macias 1
  4. P Guevara 12
  1. 1 Dep. Edafología y Química Agrícola. Facultad de Biología. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,
  2. 2 Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Revista Ciencia

ISSN: 1390-1117 2697-343X

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 20

Issue: 1

Pages: 73-83

Type: Article


More publications in: Revista Ciencia

Sustainable development goals


Eutrophication of soils and waters is one of the main problems that threatenthe conservation of species and habitats. Recent studies show that P can alsosubstantially affect the loss of biodiversity. In contrast to N, which can be removedby leaching, P remains over time because it is adsorbed to soil colloids. A study toevaluate the common cattail (Typha latifolia) ability to extract phosphorous from aeutrophic Technosol (ET), highly enriched with P, and from an oligotrophic naturalsoil (NS) was performed. In the soils the total content of nutrients (P, Ca, Mg, K, N)Fe, Al, C, amorphous oxyhydroxides of Al/Fe, bioavailability P and geochemicalforms of P was performed. The results showed a significantly high concentration ofthe TP and bioavailability P in ET than NS. In line with a high concentration of P inET, a very high concentration of P was extracted by the plants in ET. These resultsshowed that cattail responds positively to very high concentrations of P in the soiland, therefore, must be considered as a very efficient species to reduce soileutrophication.