A review on grammatical gender acquisition in monolingual Spanish-speaking children

  1. Anastasiia Ogneva 1
  1. 1 University of A Coruña (España)
Onomázein: Revista de lingüística, filología y traducción de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

ISSN: 0717-1285 0718-5758

Ano de publicación: 2023

Número: 59

Páxinas: 47-62

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.7764/ONOMAZEIN.59.03 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Onomázein: Revista de lingüística, filología y traducción de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


Acquisition of grammatical gender has been well addressed in psycholinguistic research with Spanish monolingual typically developing (TD) children but less with children diag-nosed with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). The present article reviews linguistic and psycholinguistic studies on grammatical gender acquisition from different methodol-ogies across monolingual Spanish-speaking children with typical language development and children diagnosed with DLD. Specifically, we explore how typically developing and DLD children assign grammatical gender and establish gender agreement. We discuss the implication of the findings for the design of the future research on gender acquisition.