Study of supramolecular systems based on chiral and achiral mesogensDBS and DSCG

  1. Berride García, Fernán
Supervised by:
  1. María Magdalena Cid Fernández Director

Defence university: Universidade de Vigo

Fecha de defensa: 25 March 2022

  1. Fernando Hallwass Chair
  2. Emilia Tojo Suárez Secretary
  3. Sandra Míguez Lago Committee member

Type: Thesis


Disodium Cromoglicate, also known as Cromolyn, has been studied due to the fact that is able to form lyotropic liquid crystals in water. The addition of chiral molecules changes the mesophase, becoming a cholesteric one. The main objective will be the development of new supramolecular systems based on Cromolyn, that could have a potential application in structural determination with NMR Spectroscopy, due to the formation of an anisotropic medium in certain solvents. Also, the enantioresolutive capacity of such supramolecular entities is intended to be studied. DibenzylideneSorbitol (DBS) is a chiral molecule that forms nanofibrils in a plethora of solvents, which forms macroscopic gels. Resolution of its structure at a molecular level has been an enigma for the scientific community until today. It will be studied the relation between the onw molecular structure of DBS with the structure it adopts in the nanofibrils.