Value investing: application of different strategies to equity mutual funds

  1. Juan Manuel Iglesias García
  2. Luis Otero González
  3. Pablo Durán Santomil
Revista española de financiación y contabilidad

ISSN: 0210-2412

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 51

Issue: 2

Pages: 213-231

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad


In this paper we have analysed the performance of several value investing strategies for Eurozone equity mutual funds. We have executed an empirical study of what the application of this technique implies, with its different variants, to large-cap equity funds. This has allowed us to analyse different value investment strategies, and to see which are the most profitable. Since they are defined by parameters, or ratios, the next step in this study has been to analyse the sensitivity of investors’ profitability in accordance with how effective choosing mutual funds is based on certain ratios, or a possible combination of several of them. Our results support that an investment strategy combining value (undervalued stocks) and quality (high ROA) leads to success when investing in Eurozone equity mutual funds

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