Dinamización do proceso de concentración parcelaria forestal a través de fotointerpretación e técnicas six
- D. Miranda 1
- M.F. Marey 1
- X.P. González 1
- 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Enxeñería Agroforestal
- Alberto Rojo Alboreca (coord.)
- Ignacio Javier Díaz-Maroto Hidalgo (coord.)
- Juan Gabriel Alvarez González (coord.)
- Marcos Barrio Anta (coord.)
- Fernando Castedo Dorado (coord.)
- Guillermo Riesco Muñoz (coord.)
- Antonio Rigueiro Rodríguez (coord.)
Editorial: Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda ; Junta de Galicia = Xunta de Galicia
ISBN: 84-931244-2-7, 84-931244-3-5
Ano de publicación: 2000
Volume: 1
Páxinas: 267-277
Congreso: Congreso de Ordenación y Gestión Sostenible de Montes : (Santiago de Compostela, 4-9 de octubre de 1999) (1. 1999. Santiago de Compostela)
Tipo: Achega congreso
At present, every time greater demand, that it is being generating by the need of a reorganization of the forest property, that needs of specific procedures and more agile than those of the classic performances of parceling concentration in agricultural lands, that avoid important productive losses. As is well known, Galician it is characterized by a generalized atomization of its mountains. This situation of short forest parcels is creating a unfavorable situation for the forest Galician management, yet taking into account its favorable geographical situation, with climatological conditions and of suitable soil for the forest production. According to the foregoing, the solutions that they are being carrying to practice go through a best of the owner association between proprietary, united to a restructuring of the property. This last answers to the need of a minimal surface that facilitate the mechanization of the projects forest, to the importance of the infrastructures to accomplish the forest utilization, etc. The optimization of these techniques, owner association and forest parceling concentration, come given by a greater diffusion of the advantages of the owner association and by a greater dynamism in restructuring performances of the property. The paralysis of this procedure, often relates to each one of the phases of the process, producing large losses in the forest production as well as the despondency of the owners of the affected mountains. This justifies the need of a greater dynamism in the process, accomplishing a procedure abridged for the parceling concentrations of forest character, where elapse the smaller possible time between the valuation of the flight and the takeover of the properties. This last point is seen clearly favored when we use the appropriate techniques for the accomplishment of the concentration project, such and as is presented in this work and already constitutes an experience practiced with success in other neighboring countries, based on the air photographs utilization restored for to elaboration of the cartography, air photographs interpretation in color for the valuation of the arboreal bulks (by the stocks calculation) as well as to determine the uses of the soil, and finally the tasks of analysis for the elaboration of the final cartography with the return properties through the implementation of a Geographical Information System that will provide potential, dynamism and efficiency to the analysis.