Aproximación a la ceremonia del bautismo en la diócesis de Lugo
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- María de los Ángeles Fernández Valle (ed. lit.)
- Carme López Calderón (coord.)
- Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya (coord.)
Verlag: Enredars ; Andavira
ISBN: 978-84-121445-5-0
Datum der Publikation: 2019
Seiten: 147-164
Art: Buch-Kapitel
The administration of the sacrament of baptism was the ritual of entry into the Church but also into the community and the family. The circumstances of its administration changed throughout the Modern Age, reflecting its connection with the trends and needs of the population. Both the internal aspects of the baptism ceremony (such as the method of administration of baptismal water) as well as the external aspects (including the selected day) have maintained the religious essence of this sacrament while allowing the population to conserve customs and social practices without religious basis