Vestibular rehabilitation with mobile posturography as a “low-cost” alternative to vestibular rehabilitation with computerized dynamic posturography, in old people with imbalance: a randomized clinical trial

  1. Soto-Varela, A.
  2. Rossi-Izquierdo, M.
  3. del-Río-Valeiras, M.
  4. Faraldo-García, A.
  5. Vaamonde-Sánchez-Andrade, I.
  6. Lirola-Delgado, A.
  7. Santos-Pérez, S.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research

ISSN: 1720-8319 1594-0667

Ano de publicación: 2021

Volume: 33

Número: 10

Páxinas: 2807-2819

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1007/S40520-021-01813-2 GOOGLE SCHOLAR