Prólogomodelos de análisis en la fraseología de las lenguas europeas
- Carmen Mellado Blanco 1
- Belén López Meirama 1
- M. Carmen Losada Aldrey 1
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1697-0780
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 17
Type: Article
More publications in: Linred: Lingüística en la Red
The Thematic Issue “Modelos de análisis en la fraseología de las lenguas europeas” aims to account for the most relevant approaches and topics of interest in the current panorama of phraseological research in Europe. Through twelve corpus-based papers, analysis methods of phraseological units from Cognitive Semantics, Construction Grammar, Corpus Linguistics or Phraseodidactics are presented. They focus on the productivity of models in different textual genres, such as the journalistic, architectural, academic and sports jargon, hotel pages, the political discourse in social networks, or the colloquial oral discourse in reality shows. The contributions of this volume are a selection of those presented at the International Conference EUROPHRAS 2019 Productive Patterns in Phraseology, held in Santiago de Compostela on the 24-25th January 2019, and organised by the inter-university research group FRASESPAL (“Phraseology of Spanish and German”). The editors of the volume are part of this group.