El "Libro de las dueñas" y la "Historia troyana biblingüe" (Santander, BMP, ms. 558)palabras e imágenes para María Rosa Lida de Malkiel (1910-1962)

  1. Rodríguez Porto, Rosa María
Troianalexandrina: Anuario sobre literatura medieval de materia clásica

ISSN: 1577-5003

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 12

Pages: 9-62

Type: Article


More publications in: Troianalexandrina: Anuario sobre literatura medieval de materia clásica


In her ground-breaking article on Alfonso X's "General Estoria", the Argentinian philologist María Rosa Lida de Malkiel alluded to a rubric found in several late manuscripts of the "Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César" concerning a supposed codex offered by "the King of Spain" to Charles V of France. According to her view, this lost work should be identified as a manuscript preserving the Trojan section of the Alfonsine compilation. This article takes her hypothesis as the start-point for a twofold enquiry. On the one hand, it aims at gathering some evidence of the existence of a lost "Estoria de Troya", an illustrated manuscript preserving the account of the Trojan War and related mythological episodes that would had been commissioned by the Learned King before the "General Estoria". On the other, this survey tries to track down the vanishing marks left by this missing manuscript that -presumably- went almost unnoticied at the Parisian court.