Students’ Mediator Variables in the Relationship between Family Involvement and Academic Performance: Effects of the Styles of Involvement

  1. María J. Ferraces Otero
  2. Mar Lorenzo Moledo
  3. Agustín Godás Otero
  4. Miguel A. Santos Rego
Psicología educativa

ISSN: 1135-755X

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 27

Issue: 1

Pages: 85-92

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicología educativa


The present study is aimed at observing the degree to which family support and control determine academic performance in Mathematics and Language, and at understanding how this relationship is mediated by a series of factors related to students’ motivation (self-efficacy), their study habits, the learning environment perceived at school, their school satisfaction, and a history of school retention. On this premise, a study was proposed in 44 Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) schools, selecting 1,316 students (938 enrolled in the first, and 378 in the second year). Data confirm that both parental support and control directly influence academic performance in both subjects, but also indirectly through the mediator variables, which in the case of support are environment, satisfaction, study habits and self-efficacy, whereas in the case of control they are habits and retention.

Funding information

Cite this article as: Ferraces Otero, M. J., Lorenzo Moledo, M., Godás Otero, A., & Santos Rego, M. A. (2021). Students’ mediator variables in the relationship between family involvement and academic performance: Effects of the styles of involvement. Psicología Educativa, 27(1), 85-92. Funding: This research was developed through the funding of two research project: PGIDIT 10SEC214042PR of the Regional Government of Galicia (Spain), and EDU2015-66781-R of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish Government. Correspondence: (M. Lorenzo Moledo).

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