Les Implicacions socials de la lògica financera de l'habitatgel'exemple de Palma

  1. Vives Miró, Sònia
Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia

ISSN: 1133-2190

Ano de publicación: 2008

Número: 66

Páxinas: 75-99

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia


Under the financial logic of globalization, housing has become the object of speculation, with it being valued monetarily as a trading good. Real estate investment speeds up the construction of new housing, leading in turn to its appreciation and to rising property prices. With this property inflation, an increasingly broad sector of the population faces difficulties in access to housing and debt problems. Using Palma as an example, an analysis is made of the population�s spatial location in terms of the price and state of housing in each area and the corresponding population�s socioeconomic characteristics.