Emisiones de CO2 y crecimiento economico en paises de la UE
ISSN: 1578-4479
Year of publication: 2002
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Pages: 69-91
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios económicos de desarrollo internacional: Economic studies of international development : EEDI
The Kyoto Protocol, agreed in December of 1997, provided for legally binding emissions reduction targets for industrialized countries. In spite of the obstacles the Kyoto Protocol has faced, the EU and its Members States maintain the commitment of reducing their greenhouse emissions to at least 8% below 1990 emissions levels. Among the six greenhouse gases included in the Kyoto Protocol, we wish to emphasize the need for controlling CO2 emissions because CO2 emissions account for about 60% of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. In this paper, we analyze the evolution of CO2 emissions in the EU countries. In order to explain this evolution, we take into account the influence of several factors such as economic growth, energy use, fuel mix and population.
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