Commercial formulations for the parasiticide fungus Mucor circinelloides
- Maria Sol Arias Vázquez Doktormutter
- Adolfo Paz Silva Co-Doktorvater
- Rita Sánchez-Andrade Fernández Co-Doktormutter
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Fecha de defensa: 31 von Oktober von 2019
- Francisco A. Rojo Vázquez Präsident/in
- Rosario Panadero Fontán Sekretärin
- Luis M. Madeira de Carvalho Vocal
Art: Dissertation
Control of parasites based exclusively on the administration of pharmacological treatments has been insufficient for decades. Preventive actions are increasingly required to limit the risk of infection and make it possible to reduce the application of pharmacological therapies to those cases that are strictly necessary. For a long time, it is known the existence of biological agents found naturally in the soil, able to develop antagonistic activity against certain stages of different parasites. Their practical application involves overcoming a number of aspects; the selective antiparasitic efficacy, easiness of propagation in affordable culture media and under standard conditions, comfortable and simple distribution, innocuousness over environmental components and marketing possibilities. To try to respond to these requirements, a research based on the study of the possibilities of application and commercialization of a saprophytic fungus with ovicidal activity, Mucor circinelloides, has been conducted throughout five trials.