Best options for the exposure of traditional and innovative moss bags: A systematic evaluation in three European countries

  1. Capozzi, F.
  2. Giordano, S.
  3. Aboal, J.R.
  4. Adamo, P.
  5. Bargagli, R.
  6. Boquete, T.
  7. Di Palma, A.
  8. Real, C.
  9. Reski, R.
  10. Spagnuolo, V.
  11. Steinbauer, K.
  12. Tretiach, M.
  13. Varela, Z.
  14. Zechmeister, H.
  15. Fernández, J.A.
Environmental Pollution

ISSN: 1873-6424 0269-7491

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 214

Pages: 362-373

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.ENVPOL.2016.04.043 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Sustainable development goals