88x3x112-Gb/s WDM transmission over 50 km of three-mode fiber with inline few-mode fiber amplifier

  1. Ip, E.
  2. Bai, N.
  3. Huang, Y.-K.
  4. Mateo, E.
  5. Yaman, F.
  6. Li, M.-J.
  7. Bickham, S.
  8. Ten, S.
  9. Liñares, J.
  10. Montero, C.
  11. Moreno, V.
  12. Prieto, X.
  13. Tse, V.
  14. Chung, K.M.
  15. Lau, A.
  16. Tam, H.-Y.
  17. Lu, C.
  18. Luo, Y.
  19. Peng, G.-D.
  20. Li, G.
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC

ISBN: 9781557529312

Ano de publicación: 2011

Tipo: Achega congreso

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable