El color como indicador de la intensidad de los incendios en suelos deGaliciaResultados preliminares
- Sanmartín, Patricia
- Cancelo-González, Javier
- Rial, María E.
- Silva, Benita
- Díaz-Fierros, Francisco
- Prieto, Beatriz
ISSN: 2171-8814
Ano de publicación: 2010
Título do exemplar: VIII Congreso Nacional del Color I
Volume: 43
Número: 3
Páxinas: 167-171
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Óptica pura y aplicada
This work is a preliminary approach to the study of the relationship between soil color changes and the temperature reached as a consequence of fires, in order to assess the applicability of soil color as an indicator of the fire intensity. For this purpose a controlled burn of undisturbed soil samples of the surface horizon of an Umbric Regosol was conducted in the laboratory with infrared lamps until the soil at 1 cm deep reaches a temperature of 200ºC or 400ºC. Unburned samples were used as control. Soil color of the surface of the burned and unburned samples was determined on 220 points with a portable colorimeter and represented in the CIELAB color space and Munsell notation. The results showed significant changes in the hue of soil (Hue Munsell and hab CIELAB) between samples reaching different temperatures (200ºC or 400ºC) however significantly change in color intensity (Croma Munsell and C* ab CIELAB) and brightness (Value Munsell and L* CIELAB) only was noticed between the burned and unburned samples. This suggests that the hue of soil is the parameter to take into account in the use of color as an indicator of fire intensity on soils of Galicia.