La comunicación y periodismo ejercidos por Leonidas Proaño para el cambo social

  1. Bravo Mancero, Julio A.
  2. Galindo Arranz, Fermín
  3. Ruales Parreño, Ramiro
Killkana sociales: Revista de Investigación Científica

ISSN: 2588-087X 2528-8008

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Número especial por: III Congreso internacional Investigación en Ciencias Sociales Económicas y Administrativas para el Desarrollo Sostenible

Volume: 2

Issue: 3

Pages: 209-218

Type: Article

DOI: 10.26871/KILLKANA_SOCIAL.V2I3.331 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Killkana sociales: Revista de Investigación Científica


The present study, of communication type it has as aim: To determine the discursive elements used by Leonidas Proaño for the attainment of the social transformation. The applied methodology was of qualitative type; there used as technologies the qualitative interview and the analysis of content; the results visibilizaron the communicative and journalistic work, the interrelationship and interaction with his hearings, the effects of the messages, the categories and discursive used subcategories.  Proaño, Ecuadoran bishop that, between 1954 and 1988 he led the processes of social change for the aborigens of the provinces of the central region; the communication and the journalism used as tools, from formal and informal spaces that strengthened the application of his method To see, To judge and To act, that was searching: The knowledge of his reality, the capture of conscience, the change of attitude and the resolution of the problems that were afflicting this group of persons, in the main illiterate and workers of the big household tasks. He was a speaker thanks to the permanent dialog, in different scenes that it had with the Ecuadoran aborigens.

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